Executive search

Since 1978, Maes & Lunau has been tracking down scarce top talents in both the non-profit sector and industry and introducing them to ambitious organisations. Our years of knowledge and experience guarantee an excellent track record in many sectors. Candidates and clients appreciate our dedication, our careful and effective approach and our transparency.

Executive Search 2

The consultant and the research consultant focus on gaining insight into how the team functions, the individual qualities and the additional competencies which a new candidate should contribute to strengthen the team. In this process, Maes & Lunau also devotes a lot of attention to diversity. As part of that commitment, we have signed the Charter Talent to the Top. Women candidates occupy 42% of the positions recruited by Maes & Lunau. Through our extensive and professional research network, we are not dependent on advertising. Instead, we can localise and approach the best candidates for each position.

Beyond the obvious

Furthermore: the most obvious solution is not necessarily the best solution. On the contrary: it is always worth looking further. And that is exactly what we do at Maes & Lunau. We look beyond someone’s CV and background – the classic approach to a search. We prefer to look at someone’s personality, and more particularly at their motivation and drives. What is someone aiming for? And we naturally also look at competencies and at energy and ambition level. In our experience, these are often just as important for predicting the degree of success in a subsequent position. 

Looking further. We do that based on our years of experience and based on our own authenticity. We dare to be critical, do not shy away from asking candidates difficult questions and do not unquestioningly accept what someone says. The simple solution: that is not our way. Particularly in this market, where competition for top candidates is fierce, it is worth looking beyond the obvious.

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